Translate: Comprehensive Guide to Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CICD)
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Comprehensive Guide to Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CICD) の非公式な翻訳です。
Newly learned words:
- Comprehensive : 網羅的な
- throughout : ◯◯を通してずっと
- Meanwile: その間に
- offer better ~ : ◯◯を向上させる
- offer : 提供する
- Stepping stones : 足がかり
- As a whole : 全体として
- while : ◯◯すると同時に
- In short : 要するに
- no stranger to : 全く知らないわけではない
- theoretically : 理論的に
- with ~ in mind : 〜 を念頭に置くと
- make perfect sense : 理にかなっている
Comprehensive Guide to Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CICD)
Top Influences on CICD: Open Source, Data, AI/ML, and Continuous Quality
多くのDevOpsチームはソフトウェアのリリース管理のために様々な型のCI/CDへと移行してきた。 CI/CDは自動化を通して頻繁にカスタマーへアプリを配信し、ライフサイクルを通し継続的にモニタリングするための方法の一つだ。
Many DevOps teams have moved into some form of continuous integration and continuous delivery (CICD) for software release management. CICD is a method to frequently deliver apps to customers through ongoing automation and continuous monitoring throughout the lifecycle.
CI refers to continuous integration, automating software code changes by regularly building, testing, and merging branches into a shared repository.
CI や 継続的デリバリはソフトウェア開発の変更がコードリポジトリからプロダクションへ自動的にプッシュされるプロセスを指す
CD, or continuous delivery, is the process through which development changes to software are automatically pushed from a code repository to the production environment.
Continuous Deploymentは自動的にプロダクションにプッシュされるという点からContinuos Delivaryの次なる進歩といえる。
CD can also refer to continuous deployment. Continuous Deployment is the next progression of Continuous Delivery where every change is pushed to production automatically.
Continuous Delivery is when development team changes to software are automatically uploaded to a repository.
There is a manual gate here.
Think of this code is “production ready”, but not automatically deployed.
Continuous Deploymentはコードが自動でプロダクションにプッシュされることを指す。
In Continuous Deployment code is automatically pushed to production.
Continuous deploymentではDeliveryよりもより上の自動化がある。
Continuous delivery では開発チームとビジネスチームの可視性とコミュニケーションを向上させる。
Continuous Delivery is a stepping stone to Continuous Deployment, which also reduces operations teams loads by incorporating automation for deployment.
CICD empowers DevOps teams to avoid code defects with smaller code changes and fault isolations, increasing test reliability while speeding up release rates.
自動化の利用を通し、CI/CDは チームトランスペアレンシー(透明性)を向上させ、バックログを減らし、より早いアップロードとデプロイのための標準化されたFBループの標準化を提供する
Through the use of automation, CICD increases team transparency and reduces backlogs, offering more standardized feedback loops that lead to faster updates and deployment.
In short, CICD supports customer AND developer satisfaction, speeding up release cycles while reducing development friction.
Related Article: The Evolution of CICD and Future of Software Development
CICD and Open Source Software
CICDはContinuous Delivery Foundationのようなコミッティーや興味を持つグループで形成された影響力の強い組織の継続されるコラボレーションの利益を感じられる
CICD will feel the benefits of on-going collaborations of influential organizations forming committees and interest groups, like the Continuous Delivery Foundation, where Kohsuke (as part of CloudBees) was the first chair of the technical steering committee, and in that capacity he had a board seat during that period.
It’s also projected that through 2025, more than 70% of enterprises will increase their IT spending on open source software, compared to their current IT spending.
Aligning with open source’s collaboration, openness, and accessibility is the trend towards language agnostic tools.
Smarter CICD with Data Driven DevOps
The biggest opportunity within the DevOps landscape in 2022 and beyond is making data-driven decisions for better quality software.
素早いFBループのために津波のデータを利用し適切なシグナルを見つけるためにMLを利用することはデータ駆動 DevOpsのための将来の方法である
Using machine learning to harness the tsunami of data and finding the right signal for faster feedback loop is the way of the future for data driven DevOps.
AI & Machine Learning
Software engineering teams constantly face the pressure to deliver newer features faster. While developers could theoretically create new iterations constantly, parts of the DevOps cycle, like testing, are not fully optimized for CICD.
Machine Learning advancements in testing solutions will be the next leading driver to improve speed and efficacy for DevOps teams and deliver developers more time to focus on what truly matters: writing quality code that solves problems and makes lives easier
Additionally, expect the Machine Learning applications of the future to propel better data analysis, and to help developers further optimize software test cycles.
The Movement to Continuous Quality
One more big trend on the horizon involving the movement to optimize the CICD pipeline is the movement to achieve Continuous Quality.
- ソフトウェアの機能が計画通りに機能すること
- 特定されたユースケースのスコープでソフトウェアがうまく動作すること
- 欠陥率が低い or アプリケーション起動中にエラーがほとんど発生しないこと
Today, DevOps teams understand that the quality of software is defined by three key components: software functions as planned; the software performs well within the scope of identified use cases; the software has a low rate of defects, or produces few to zero errors during application.
With this trio of ideals in mind, the movement towards Continuous Quality makes perfect sense as a guiding principle for DevOps teams this year.
Focusing on the achievement of Continuous Quality, or the balance between speed and quality, allows DevOps team and leaders to speed up the dev feedback loop, improve morale, and create more efficient testing cycles - and results.